Have you made some Custom Levels that you'd like to copy and share with another SRF user?  To do so:

  1. Go to the 'Levels' tab on your Dashboard.
  2. Click 'Share' by your custom level that you'd like to share.
  3. Copy the Share Code and send it to the user you would like to share the level with.
  4. That user can then go to their 'Levels' tab and select 'Import'.  
  5. Here, they should paste the Share Code and select 'Import'.  The level will then be copied to their account.

* Custom levels can be shared between educators that are linked to student accounts.  If you have created a custom level that you would like to share with your students, you will add that custom level to your Class Practice Settings.  Check out 

How to associate Levels with a class (Practice Settings)