To view or update login credentials for students who have redeemed your student code within the last year and are found on your 'Students' tab:

  1. Go to the 'Students' tab on the Dashboard
  2. Search for the student's name or email address/username in the search box on the top right of the table (if you can't find the student, see the next section for students who are not showing on your 'Students' tab)
  3. Click on the correct student to open their 'Details' page
  4. Click the 'Update' button
  5. You are now on a page where you can update their name and email address/username and set their password.

To view or update login credentials for a student who is not showing on your 'Students' tab

  1. Go to your 'Student Codes' tab on your Dashboard
  2. Select the last student code the student redeemed
  3. Search for the student's name or email address/username in the search box on the top right of the table
  4. Click the student's name
  5. Click 'Update'
  6. On this page you can view/update the student's email address/username and set the password.