To generate exercises based on a state or organization standard:

  1. Log in select your name in the top right corner and select 'Account'.
  2. Under 'Standards' check the box(es) of the standards that you'd like to have available to you.
  3. Click 'Save'.
  4. Click 'Start Sight Reading' to open the mixer and pick your settings for the exercise you'd like to generate using the standard.
  5. Select the medium (instrument, voice-type, or ensemble) for which you will be generating the exercise using the standard.  If you are going to be generating music for an ensemble, see step #6, if you are going to be generating music for a solo instrument or voice see step #7
  6. The ensemble mediums for the standards will be named specifically for each standard.  For example, if you want to generate some multiple-part choir music for the Virginia Choral Directors Association high school choral assessments, from the 'Ensemble' group you would select the ensemble named 'VCDA High School Choral Assessment' instead of selecting the ensemble named 'Choir (multi-part)'.  Select the ensemble for the standard you'd like to use and then pick your level, key and time signature and generate your music for your standard.
  7. For solo instruments and voice-types, you would select the specific instrument or voice-type (such as Trumpet or Soprano) and then when you get to the level tab you'll see the various standards and levels for those standards listed (see the screenshot below).  Select your level, pick your key and time signature, and generate the music for your standard.

The current state/organization standards that we offer in addition to our own Sight Reading Factory criteria are:

Arkansas All-State Choir Audition

Arkansas High School Choral Festival

Arkansas Middle/Junior High School Choral Festival

Colorado All-State Choir Audition

Colorado Middle School All-State Choir Audition

Connecticut All-State Choir Audition

Georgia 9th & 10th Grade All-State Choir Audition

Georgia 7th & 8th Grade All-State Choir Audition

Georgia 11th & 12th Grade All-State Choir Audition

Florida All-State Middle and High School Choir Audition

Illinois All-State Choir Audition

MCEA (Maryland) High School Choral Assessment - Melodic

MCEA (Maryland) High School Choral Assessment - Rhythmic

MCEA (Maryland) Middle School Choral Assessment - Melodic

MCEA (Maryland) Middle School Choral Assessment - Rhythmic

Massachusetts MEA Central District Junior and Senior Festival Instrumental and Voice Audition

Mississippi All-State Choir Audition

Missouri MCDA All-State Choir Sight Reading - Solo voice and Part-Specific


Prince William County Schools (VA) All-County Chorus Audition

SCVA (Southern California) Middle and High School Choral Assessment - Melodic and Rhythmic

South Carolina Band Directors Association All-State Clinic Audition

South Carolina Band Directors Association All-State Junior Audition

South Carolina Band Directors Association All-State Senior Audition

South Carolina Band Directors Association Region Clinic Audition

South Carolina Band Directors Association Region Junior Audition

South Carolina Band Directors Association Region Senior Audition

Virginia All-State Choir Audition

Virginia Choral Directors Association (VCDA) Choral Assessment - Middle and High School

Virginia District 15 Choir Sight Reading

Virginia District 7 Jr High Chorus Audition

Virginia District 7 Sr High Chorus Audition

Virginia District 9 Choir Audition